Vividcon 2007
2007 Movie Vids

Movie vids are much more than a rehash of the linear movie plot. They can showcase the inner struggles of minor characters, issue an indictment of war, or illustrate symbolism and metaphor within a movie's structure. They can make bad movies look good and dramatic movies seem silly. These vids tell the story within the story. VJ: Destina

# Title Vidder(s) Song (if different) Artist Fandom(s) Duration Download URL
1 Would You...? astolat Touch and Go Ocean's 11 None
A light, fun tour de force through the colorful visuals of the movie, using slower spoken bits to excellent effect to briefly construct reality.
2 Destiny Calling Charmax James Multi None
This vid uses visual parallels from several movies to illustrate the standard superhero cliches, showing us why we love them in the first place.
3 My Demise Aimee Stabbing Westward The Ring None
Fantastic use of jarring music to evoke mood and enhance/present the frightening visuals of the film.
4 When I Go Melina Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer The Lord of the Rings None
A powerful vid making use of extended footage and lush visuals to construct the final reflections of one fairly minor character.
5 Street Cafe Jill, Kathy and Kay Street Cafe (Smash n' Go Remix) Icehouse The Bourne movies None
Good illustration of how one aspect of a movie (action) can be exploited by matching a fast-paced song to incessant motion onscreen.
6 1916 Zeneyepirate Motorhead Saving Private Ryan None
Using visuals from Saving Private Ryan, the vidder allows the song's narrator to represent all young soldiers and makes an evocative, powerful point about the futility of war.
7 Words Fail You gwyneth Kris Delmhorst Big Eden None
8 All Souls Night Destina and WOAD Society Loreena McKennitt Gladiator None
An example of how parallels and color scheme can be used to illustrate metaphors within the narrative.
9 Girl Anachronism Lierdumoa Dresden Dolls Gia None
Wonderful match of musical sound (jagged, angry) to subject material to express a character's inner and outer struggles.
10 Dante's Prayer Killa and WOAD Society Loreena McKennitt Star Trek TOS None
Movie vids show: Uses the rise and fall of the music and one very specific set of scenes from the movie to build a breathtaking climax for the relationship of two primary characters.
11 Cells obsessive24 The Servant Fight Club None
A vid that breaks the rules wonderfully; it moves in more or less chronological order, but excellent use of the movie's unusual visuals to tell the story.
12 Uninvited astolat Alanis Morisette The Silence of the Lambs None
Showcases the core relationship between two characters in a creepy, unsettling way the movie could only imply.
13 Heart of Funkness AbsoluteDestiny Jungle Boogie Kool and the Gang Apocalypse Now None
A perfect example of how to take a set of visuals from within a Very Serious Film and transform them into something extremely silly.
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