Vividcon 2005
2005 Vidding History

Vids set in historical times or historical fantasy have unique considerations, both for vidders and for viewers. Song choice, editing techniques, and themes can make or break a vid more in this category than in any other, as can style--we can do things with comedy thath might not work in drama. What makes historical vids successful all levels? VJ: gwyneth

# Title Vidder(s) Song (if different) Artist Fandom(s) Duration Download URL
1 Gravity kanzeyori A Perfect Circle Pirates of the Caribbean None
Visual artistry and a strong song can turn even Jack Sparrow’s story into something serious.
2 All Souls Night Destina and WOAD Society Loreena McKennitt Gladiator None
The whirling, churning visual style and music create a perfect marriage of storytelling.
3 The Soldiering Life P.R. Zed The Decemberists Sharpe None
A look at what makes Sharpe such a great leader and consummate soldier.
4 Live Till I Die Mary Crawford Frank Sinatra Hercules None
It's all about seizing the day, baby. Even if you, you know, die.
5 It's Probably Me Jill and Kathy Sting L.A. Confidential None
People aren't always what they appear to be, especially in a world made up of shades of gray.
6 Duende astolat Gipsy Kings Master and Commander None
Spanish guitars create a classical feel, forming the backdrop for an intimate story inside the larger one of war.
7 She's Not Dead GF aka Gayle and Morgan Dawn Perfume Trees The English Patient None
A love affair gone awry, set against the backdrop of pre-WWII desert exploration.
8 Never Left Jo and gwyneth Oysterband Tombstone None
Some friendships transcend anything, even a fall from grace.
9 The Night Chicago Died California Crew and Maura Kelly Paper Lace The Untouchables None
A rarely vidded fandom from the old days, and a rarely vidded time period.
10 Hornblower Killa and WOAD Society excerpts from The Haunting and Miss Amanda Mae Clandestine Hornblower None
Ships, the hot men who sail them, and the open sea.
11 The Mountain Melina and astolat Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer The Lord of the Rings None
Two heroes' journeys on an epic quest.
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