Vividcon 2005
2005 Horror

Oh noes! VJ: Merry

## Denotes premiering video
# Title Vidder(s) Song (if different) Artist Fandom(s) Duration Download URL
1 Saved snoo and tzikeh Amazing Grace Rinde Eckert Carnivale None
Scary destiny!
2 Southwest Voodoo Luminosity, Shimmertwins, The and ozonebaby Insane Clown Posse Buffy the Vampire Slayer None
Scary evil!Willow! (Note: see hair color.)
3 Sleep Now Joseph M. Croasdaile Hughes Hall Serial Experiments Lain None
Scary anime killer boys!
4 Darkness, Darkness Jo and gwyneth Richard Shindell Miracles None
Scary God (!!)
5 Make a Wish f1renze Conjure One featuring Poe Hex None
Scary British girls (!!)
6 Thing I Hate Luminosity Stabbing Westward Highlander None
Dark Quickening—run away!
7 Haunted East By Northeast, Margie and Seah Poe Odyssey 5 None
8 Uninvited astolat Alanis Morisette The Silence of the Lambs None
Scary not!anime killer man!
9 IBS (Itsy Bitsy Spider) Margie Itsy Bitsy Spider Joey Deluxe Stargate SG-1 None
Scary spiders!
10 Hallo Spaceboy Janis Cortese David Bowie 2001: A Space Odyssey None
Scary computer!
11 Lucky You kanzeyori Deftones The Ring None
Scary videotape!
12 Mitternacht Pwolf E Nomine Multi None
Scary anime vampire things!
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